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field trips

plan a visit for students 10+ to explore our cutting-edge exhibits, programs and artwork

Field trips at MuseumLab are facilitated, expert-curated workshop experiences where students can get truly hands on. Inspire curiosity and wonder in your students at MuseumLab!

fusion metalworking field trips


Fusion metalworking field trips are designed for grades five and up.

Available Tuesday – Thursday10:00 am – 1:30 pm (3.5 hours)October 8 – June 5

All activities are guided and/or facilitated.

One chaperone is required per 10 students.

A 30-minute lunch in a reserved lunch space is included.

Students will be divided into groups to facilitate the metalworking activity and rotate to other activities, including Gymlacium, when not in the metalworking area.

All field trips include project materials, facilitation and teacher resources for both pre- and post-visit experiences to connect with your art curriculum.

fusion field trip options

recycled can sculpture
Students work with rivets, riveting tools, pliers and jump rings to transform recycled soda cans into colorful sculptural works of art. This project challenges students to use a common material in a new context with new tools, and learn how the foundations of sculptural creation can be found in many types of materials.

On this field trip, students explore one of the many ways that science and art can intersect – through the process of electro-etching on copper. They observe firsthand how electrical current catalyzes an oxidation reaction that etches copper, and how to control that reaction to create an image. Each student designs their own etched tag.

pewter casting
Students explore the basics of small-scale casting in pewter. This project allows for the exploration of sculptural practices, as well as an introduction to the heating and cooling properties of metal. Students can bring in small objects to cast, or choose from a selection that we provide.

cost & booking

$15 per student

Free for Title 1 schools

Free admission for chaperones up to required amount.

Transportation costs will be covered for Pittsburgh Public Schools 5th grade groups only. All other groups will need to arrange and fund their own transportation.

Check field trip availability for Fusion Metalworking Field Trips

You may also email groups@pittsburghkids.org to submit a request. Additional field trip details will be provided after your request is processed.


Metalworking field trips are provided at no cost for Title 1 Schools through the generous support of Arconic Foundation.